Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Why We Are Changing The Cleaners

On the First of March 2007 we are changing the cleaners.
The main reason is cost.
The present cleaners cost RM6,900.00 per month.
A quarter of the property owners are not paying on time.
This puts us in dire financial straits.
We have to save cost.
The new cleaners cost us RM6,600.00 per month.
The new cleaners is managed by people who were cleaning GCB Court Condominium when it was opened 21 years ago.
As such the managers of the new cleaners are familiar with our condominium.

The new cleaners also promises to
restore the beauty of the Lobby tiles
by scaping off the layer of wax from the
tiles and removing the dirt trapped
beneath the wax. A new layer of wax
will be applied and the tiles polished.
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